Kevin Sutherland, PhD
(804) 827-2652
Home department
VCU School of Education (Department of Counseling and Special Education)
Research projects
- BEST in CLASS - Elementary
- BEST in CLASS - Web
- A Conceptual Replication of BEST in CLASS
- Multi-level Determinants of Implementation and Sustainment in the Education Sector
- Effectiveness Replication of BEST in CLASS Intervention for Young Children at High Risk for Delays in Social or Emotional Development
Treatment Integrity Measure Development - PRISM
Team members
Social media
Dr. Sutherland's twitter: @kssuther1
BEST in CLASS twitter: @BiC4Behavior
I am a professor in the Department of Counseling and Special Education at Virginia Commonwealth University and director of doctoral studies in special education. My research interests and expertise include efforts to enhance the use and fidelity of implementation of evidence-based programs targeting reductions in chronic problem behavior in school and community settings, community-engaged research and adolescent bullying prevention programs.
I have been a principal investigator or co-investigator on multiple federally funded projects involving the development and evaluation of evidence-based programs in schools, have created assessment tools to examine teachers’ fidelity of implementing these programs in classrooms, and have published more than 90 articles and book chapters describing this work.
I am an associate editor of School Mental Health, and I am a former teacher of youth with intensive behavioral and learning needs in both residential and public school settings.