2008 Publications

Brown, J.S., Adera, T., & Masho, S. W. (2008). Prior abortion and the risk of low birth weight and preterm births. Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health, 62, 16-22.

Ciairano, S., Kliewer, W., Bonino, S., & Bosma, H.A. (2008). Parenting and adolescent well-being in two European countries. Adolescence, 43, 99-117.

Conroy, M., Sutherland, K. S., Snyder, A., & Marsh, S. (2008). Class-wide interventions: Effective instruction makes a difference. Teaching Exceptional Children, 40(6), 24-30.

Cowgill, B. O., Bogart, L. M., Corona, R., Ryan, G., & Schuster, M. A. (2008). Fears about HIV transmission in families with an HIV-infected parent: A qualitative analysis. Pediatrics, 122, e950-e958. doi: 10.1542/peds.2008-0390

Cropsey, K.L., Masho, S. W., Shiang, R., Sikka, V., & Hampton, C. (2008). Why do faculty leave and what can we do to keep them? Reasons for faculty attrition from a medical school: Four year results. Journal of Women’s Health, 17,1111-1118.

de los Reyes, A., Goodman, K., Kliewer, W., & Reid-Quinones, K. (2008). Whose depression relates to discrepancies? Testing relations between informant characteristics and informant discrepancies from both informants’ perspectives. Psychological Assessment, 20, 139-149.

Farrell, A. D., Erwin, E. H., Bettencourt, A., Mays, S., Vulin-Reynolds, M., Sullivan, T., Allison, K.W., Kliewer, W., & Meyer, A. (2008). Individual factors influencing effective nonviolent behavior and fighting in peer situations: A qualitative study with urban African American adolescents. Journal of Clinical Child and Adolescent Psychology, 37, 397-411.

Kliewer, W. (2008). Coping. In H.E.A. Tinsley (Ed.), Encyclopedia of Counseling. New York: Sage.

Kliewer, W., & Sullivan, T. N. (2008). Community violence exposure, threat appraisal, and adjustment in adolescents. Journal of Clinical Child and Adolescent Psychology, 37, 860-873.

Martino, S. C., Elliott, M. N., Corona, R., Kanouse, D. E., & Schuster, M. A. (2008). Beyond the "Big Talk": The roles of breadth and repetition in parent-adolescent communication about sexual topics. Pediatrics, 121, e612-e618. doi: 10.1542/peds.2007-2156

Meyer, A., Cohen, B., Edmond, T., Masho, S. W. (2008). Developing a comprehensive approach to youth violence prevention in a small city. American Journal of Preventive Medicine, 34, s13-s20.

The Multisite Violence Prevention Project (2008). The Multisite Violence Prevention Project: Impact of a universal school-based violence prevention program on social-cognitive outcomes. Prevention Science, 231-244.

Schuster, M. A., Corona, R., Elliott, M. N., Kanouse, D. E., Eastman, K. L., Zhou, A. J., & Klein, D. J. (2008). Evaluation of Talking Parents, Healthy Teens, a new worksite based parenting programme to promote parent-adolescent communication about sexual health: Randomised controlled trial. British Medical Journal, 337, 273-277. doi:10.1136/bmj.39609.657581.25

Sutherland, K. S., Lewis-Palmer, T., Stichter, J. & Morgan, P. (2008). Examining the influence of teacher behavior and classroom context on the behavioral and academic outcomes for students with emotional or behavioral disorders. Journal of Special Education, 41, 223-233.

van Dulmen, M. H. M., Goncy, E. A., Haydon, K. C., & Collins, W. A. (2008). Distinctiveness of adolescent and emerging adulthood romantic relationship features in predicting emerging adulthood externalizing behavior problems. Journal of Youth and Adolescence, 37, 336-345.

2008 Books and Book Chapters


Snyder, A. L., Sutherland, K. S., Dell, K. R., & Doval, E. C. (2008). The Good Behavior Game an öffentlichen Schulen – Anwendungsmöglichkeiten und Chancen. In C. Hillenbrand & K. Putz (Hrsg.). Spielerisch Verhaltensregeln lernen (Amerikanische Ideen in Deutschland), (pp. 118-132). Hamburg: Edition Körber.

Sullivan, T. N., Farrell, A. D., Bettencourt, A. F., & Helms, S. W. (2008). Core competencies for youth violence prevention. New directions in child and adolescent development (pp. 47-60). Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons, Inc.