Healthy Communities for Youth
Principal Investigators: Terri Sullivan, Ph.D., and Derek Chapman, Ph.D.
Youth violence is a major threat to the health and well-being of youths in the U.S. This project focuses on Richmond, Va., a medium-sized city that is ravaged by violence and poverty. In 2014, the rate of homicide among youths in Richmond was nearly four times the national average. Although prevention science has shown progress in identifying promising youth violence prevention programs that focus on the individual-, family-, or school-levels, progress on community-level interventions has been slower. This project seeks to advance progress in this area by evaluating the impact of a strategy that combines two complementary evidence-based community-level intervention approaches.
The Communities That Care prevention system (CTC) builds and cultivates social capital through coalition building and identification and implementation of evidence-based youth violence programs. The Walker-Talker (WT) community outreach program complements CTC by increasing community capacity and awareness to make full use of these resources. The overall goal of this project is to implement and evaluate the community-level impact of combining these two strategies (i.e., CTC PLUS).
Specific objectives are to determine the impact of CTC PLUS on:
a) primary youth violence outcomes (e.g., homicides and intentional injuries);
b) proximal outcomes including decreased neighborhood disorganization, increased numbers of youth served by high quality, evidence-based violence prevention programs, and decreased risk and increased protective and promotive factors associated with youth violence; and
c) aspects of neighborhood and community readiness and capacity associated with youth violence prevention.
CTC PLUS will be evaluated using a multiple baseline experimental design in which three high-risk communities will be randomly assigned to begin the intervention at different start dates (i.e., Year 2, Year 3, Year 5) with continuous assessment of outcomes through surveillance data, community surveys of youth and their caregivers, and observations. By including one or more replications, multiple baseline designs reduce a variety of threats to internal validity and provide a more rigorous test of interventions than designs in which an intervention is implemented within a single community. Additional tests of intervention effects will be conducted through spatial analysis of more than ten years of surveillance data that compare patterns of change in the three selected communities to concurrent changes observed in other communities in Richmond.
The cost-effectiveness of the CTC PLUS models will be conducted to monitor and document implementation costs. If proven effective, this innovative intervention may reduce youth violence in our high-burden communities and help advance the science and practice of youth violence prevention.
Surveillance: Monitoring Youth Violence
Additionally, the project monitors youth violence rates and characteristics in the city of Richmond via a community surveillance system.
The primary objective of the community surveillance system is to describe and monitor youth violence in Richmond city residents under the age of 24 years. The surveillance entails continuous gathering, analysis, interpretation and dissemination of data. The data are intended to assist policy makers, program planners and researchers designing prevention programs. The surveillance system relies on administrative data gathered by agencies in the city and available for further research. Currently, the community surveillance system summarizes data from the VCU Health System’s emergency room, Department of Juvenile Justice, Richmond Ambulance Authority, Richmond Public Schools, and Office of the Chief Medical Examiner and Division of Vital Records at the Department of Health.
Data are summarized in the form of fact sheets and maps and are disseminated regularly. Maps geographically display youth violence rates in the city and present a visual representation of the spatial relationship between violence, neighborhoods and zip codes.
Data Sheets Available for Download:
The VCU Emergency Department (VCU ED) is the only level-one trauma center in Central Virginia and is estimated to serve approximately three-quarters of Richmond City’s trauma patients. Trends of intentional injury emergency room visits to the VCU ED among 10-24 year-old Richmond City residents are characterized and depicted in figures and maps.
- Trends and Characteristics of Richmond City Police Department Crime Incidents Among Youth, 2004-2021
Trends and characteristics of youth involved in crime incidents reported to the Richmond City Police Department are examined. This analysis includes youth between 10 and 24 years of age who were victims or perpetrators of violent incidents. This fact sheet describes Group A offenses (using the FBI Incident-Based Reporting classifications), as they are most serious and reported more frequently, and also specifically includes characteristics and trends of homicide, assault and sexual assault.
Describes trends of homicide and suicide related deaths captured in the Virginia Violent Death Reporting System (VVDRS). The VVDRS is a surveillance system that continually collects data on violence-related deaths. The Office of the Chief Medical Examiner, Virginia Department of Health conducts the VVDRS as part of the National Violent Death Reporting System funded by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. This report summarizes data from the VVDRS, inclusive of 10-24 year-old youths who reside or were injured in Richmond City.
This fact sheet examines trends and characteristics of individuals served by the Virginia Department of Juvenile Justice (DJJ). The DJJ provides services directly to youth and families through 30 Court Service Units (CSUs) and one correctional facility as well as provides oversight to additional CSUs, juvenile detention centers (including community placement programs and detention reentry programs), group homes, shelter care facilities, and independent living programs across the state. This fact sheet describes those who were either served by the Thirteenth District Court Service Unit (CSU 13), due to an offense occurring in Richmond City, or by a different CSU and the individual resided in Richmond City.
This fact sheet describes youths who receive services from the Richmond Department of Justice Services. Data include youths who were formally processed by the Richmond City Juvenile and Domestic Relations Court. Youth between the ages of 10 and 18 years are included in this analysis to describe characteristics and trends of violence-related offense referrals for services.
This fact sheet focuses on ambulance pick-ups among 10-24 year-olds made by the Richmond Ambulance Authority, the franchise granted by the City of Richmond to provide emergency medical services. Trends, characteristics, rates and the geographic distribution of violent injury events are described.
Publically available data for Richmond City public schools are obtained from the Virginia Department of Education and Richmond Public Schools. Information on truancy conferences of unique students, dropouts, discipline incidents and accreditation status are described.